domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Dreams & now the reality!

    I remember the first time I went to school I was very little and I had 4 years old I think. The school I went was closer to my house so I had to walk a little and wasn’t necessary to take the bus. Then my parents change me of school to other better than the one I was, that new school was my first formal. I started to go when I had 5 years in Kindergarten , I had to take the bus to my house for first time I was so excited for that because was a new experience for me and I enjoyed to be with kids of different ages. I liked to talk everyone and I met a lot of friends specially one of my best friends “Sophia” she is like my sister! We always are together in a lot of things, she knows all about me and I trust a lot in her.  I remember when my teacher teaches me the colors, the ABC, the animal’ names in English, the basic numbers, figures like: triangles, circles, squares, rectangles in Kindergarten. My teacher always read stories to us, so then she teaches us to read! Starting with the A letter and when we were capable to read the things with that letter, she gave us a little book with things of the letter we learned to color the book.  The principal´s office was close to my class in Kindergarten and the director was always on there so I was a little scared the times I walked in front of the principal’s office, one time I had to go because I didn’t like to go in the buss! I preferred to go in car with my parents so I always said to the teacher that my parents will go to the school to go with them and the director told me that the thing I did was bad because my parents had to work so they can’t always go to the school. I didn’t go in the buss a few times and I had to wait my parents in school! I remember that when I wanted to go home I said to the teacher that I didn’t feel good, that was in 1st. and 2nd. Grade so my parents had to take me home too. I used to have good grades when I was little! I liked everything I did and I had less work to do.. when I was in home after school I played with my neighbors a lot of things all the day and I remember that I always go with my neighbors and my dog to buy an ice-cream after play! I liked to go to the park with my dog, run, go in the bicycle, play with my dolls, make experiments with glue and kitchen things, buy candies in the neighbor to have my own money, I like to dance and sing a lot and play that I was a famous person. I dreamed a lot when I was a kid! I only thought to eat, see movies and PLAY!! I didn’t have the same responsibilities that I have now and I didn’t thought to work in vacations, have a really good grades, go to gym, learn to drive, know what I want in life, know what I want to study and take care of my reputation. I thought we could do everything and have the things we want.. but when I grew up I see that we can do everything we want with effort and that we need always money to have the things we want.  Everybody had dreams to accomplish when we were kids a lot of people want to be an astronaut or a famous person. The better we can do is dream because when you dream a lot with the things you want, you propose to make that dream come true and know what you want in life, to be sure. Love the things you do, take the time useless and appreciate the things you have because you don’t know how many time you will have it. You can do whatever you want in life and successful.

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